So we have a special connection to the Bay and about a year ago I ran across a local company called Rappahannock River Oysters (www.rroysters.com) that shares that connection and takes it a step further by contributing to the Bay’s revival.
Travis and Ryan Croxton’s great grandfather started the family oyster business in 1899 on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Over generations the business died out (as did much of the Virginia Oyster industry), but in 2002 the brothers reinstated the family oysterbed lease and decided to give the business a shot.

Today, Rappahannock River Oysters (located just miles from the farm) is helping to lead the revival of the Virginia Oyster and contributing to the rejuvenation of the Bay. Their Irvington based aquiculture operation is putting Rappahannock oysters on the tables of some of the finest restaurants in the world and breathing new life into the local seafood industry.
We could not be more pleased to have Rappahannock River Oysters as our partner in our upcoming Oysters and Oxfords event this Saturday in Richmond. They’re two good guys, who have a great business and love what they do.
Not to mention, they’re responsible for some of the world’s best oysters.
So come see us on Saturday afternoon for some local seafood and some great bluegrass (thefoxhunt.net). If you can’t make to Richmond, pick up some oysters online today.
Open a beer or a bottle of white and enjoy...