Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Trible Talks Shirts

I wanted to start the new year by adding something of value that pertains to shirts. So a short video where Paul talks shirts; what goes into making them at Ledbury and what separates a Ledbury from other shirtmakers. At times, it looks like Paul is conducting a preflight airline announcement, but he makes some strong points about quality, fit and innovation.


  1. Paul - I am sure the new business will take off - but if not you could get a career in broadcasting or hosting a talk show. Seriously - great website and great press you have gotten so far. Hope you are already exceeding projections. I am looking forward to ordering and wearing my first Ledbury shirt out here in Colorado. Good luck to you - Steve South

  2. Just ordered 3 shirts for my husband and now he wants me to order 3 more. Speaks for itself.
